Sunday, March 3, 2013

Went A Bit Crazy....

I seem to be doing a lot of artwork lately that involves "have-to's" and self imposed deadlines......class samples and things like that.   So I was really feeling the need to sit down and do something just for purpose......just do it and don't think about it too much.  This mandalas is the result.  I feel like I went a bit crazy!  I wasn't sure that it really worked at all.  In fact, I look at it and I sort of think to myself, "Who DID that?".  Because, honestly, sometimes I just don't know where they come from.  How they turn out is a BIG surprise to me.   I usually feel "in love" with the last one I did.......not so in this case.  But I DO seem to be falling in love with it a little more everyday!


Jan said...

I haven't seen one by you that I haven't loved and this one is no exception! It is gorgeous!

Robin said...

Thanks Jan! I appreciate the love!

Elena said...

They get better and better. Truly Robin keep the connection going...

Robin said...

Thanks E!! I am enjoying this ride a LOT!

Marjorie said...

I loved looking at all your mandelas!! Beautiful!