Thursday, October 7, 2010

Barn Quilts

I just recently learned of a project called "The Barn Quilt Trail". I'm not sure how long ago this started but, it is a project where, in rural areas where there are lots of barns, farmers take it upon themselves to create 8x8 foot wooden, painted quilt squares and attach them to the sides of their barn! I happened across quite a few of these up in Kewanee County, Wis. this summer. Then I accidentally discovered that there are about 30 of these barn quilts at different locations in Kankakee county in Illinois!!! There is a web-site (It's part of a U. of Illinois Extension project) and on the web-site is a map to all the locations!!! SO.....It's a beautiful fall day and I LOVE to go out exploring country I think I'm off to Kankakee County for the day!!! Just need to pack a lunch, grab a camera and GO!!!!! My mom would have loved this!!!


Elena said...

AWESOME!!!! And yep, I think your Mom would be proud of you. Do you realize you've been on a creative journey since your 8/28 workshop? So happy for you!!

Suzi Parron said...

I am so glad you discovered barn quilts! I am actually working with the woman who began the barn quilts (believe it or not they can all be traced back to one spot), writing a book about all of the quilt trails.

Kankakee is one of my absolute favorites--I hope you got to see the ones that look like draped fabric!

If you want to know a bit more about barn quilts, my site is

All the best,

Suzi Parron

Suzi Parron said...

I forgot to mention, since you were wondering--the first barn quilt was painted in Adams County, Ohio, in 2001. They are in 27 states now!

butterfly woman said...

How cool is this, Robin!
Barn quilts sound so intriguing and that they are displayed outside on the barns is even cooler. What a nice way to display one's creative spirit! Hope to see some photos you took. Maybe post them here on your blog!
You sound happy and creatively alive!

april said...

Sounds so interesting! How's your new computer? Loading pictures yet? Where are you? This is now the end of the month!

april said...

Oh Robin - You had your surgery! I forgot if you had a date. Hope all went well and that therapy goes fast with a quick recovery! Thinking of you.