Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can't wait!!

Tomorrow morning I'm off to the Art Institute (train ride!!! love the train!!!). I will see the Caldecott Award winners on display----love, love, love the illustrations in a lot of children's books!! And, I will see the new modern wing and find something to write my next paper on! It will be homework and an artist's date combined! I really look forward to being able to wander and take my time in the museum. Haven't been there for quite some time. The Art Institute was the site of one of my first and most memorable artist dates when I started AW about 5 yrs. ago. I was sitting alone, eating lunch, when 2 women who were old classmates from
Australia asked if they could join me. One was a potter and the other did some other type of art which I can't remember. They asked me why I was there that day and I told them about AW and artist dates and they totally got it!!! They thought it sounded wonderful and wished me good luck on my journey. It was soooooooo rewarding because this came shortly after I had tried to explain the AW to some neighbors at a Xmas party and I could see their eyes glaze over and they looked like they were thinking,"Ok, she's a flake, she's lost it!". I have never discussed it with them again!! Even though I really like them all. Staying away from "wet blankets"!!!


Elena said...

Ok I thought I had left a comment. In short, I hope you're feeling better and have a fantastic time tomorrow!

april said...

Lucky you! A train ride and the Art Institute! Two favorites of mine too. And I hope you are feeling chipper this morning! Can't wait to hear about the exhibit. How long is it there?

april said...

Robin! Did you come back home?